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Little Bampton
Baptised in Kirkbampton:
The following were born in Little Bampton and baptised in Kirkbampton:
Information about transcripts of wills can be found here
More Wills - Contact us for details of names and relationships:
Christian ARMSTRONG, 1820
John ARMSTRONG, Abt 1826
George BARNES, 1677
Abraham Studholme COLLIN, 1872
Annie Mary GOODFELLOW, 1885
Sarah Jane GOODFELLOW, 1887
Mary IRVING, Abt 1810
Jane JOHNSTON, Abt 1823
Richard LIGHTFOOT, Abt 1917
George MOORE, 1920
John RAYSON, 1856
Abraham STUDHOLME, 19 December 1799
Joseph STUDHOLME , 17 May 1801
Richard STUDHOLME, 4 January 1803
Ruth STUDHOLME , 1798
Jane TWENTYMAN, 1683
Anne BARNES, 17 Mar 1702/03
Barbara BARNES, 1696
Edward BARNES, 1685
Jane BARNES, 1701
John BARNES, Feb 1671/72
Joseph BARNES , 1678
Mary BARNES, 1688
Mary BARNES, 1676
Thomas BARNE, S 1699
Elizabeth TWENTYMAN, 1680
Thomas TWENTYMAN, 1675
Other Parishes
Betsy Goodfellow SCAIFE, Abt 1915
Eva Jane SCAIFE, Abt 1912
Mary Mildred SCAIFE, Abt 1917
Thomas William SCAIFE, Abt 1921